We decided to write this blog as an antidote to the disgusting, vile and homophobic trash that was “anonymously” written and posted on the internet about Diana Glassman and me in August, 2010. Our goal is fourfold: we want to tell our story; We want this blog to become a resource for others who have or will suffer from adult cyberbullying; We hope that others will share their own stories, resources, and successes; and perhaps, this blog may lead to legislation and actions that actually protect innocent people from this form of abuse.
We live in a cyberspace world now, where employers check potential hirees social network pages or google people’s names to see what shows up. Reference searches may not only include the names on an application anymore. We search for old and new friends online, and we have absolutely no control over what someone decides, for whatever reason, to write or blog about us.
We really want to draw attention to this horrific phenomenon. Please share this blog with your friends, write comments, thoughts and suggestions and may this never happen to you..........
With thanks and appreciation,
With thanks and appreciation,
Congratulations on your courage. I appreciate your upfrontness and honesty, unlike the pervert who wrote those lies about you.